Saturday, April 01, 2006


Few months ago, we had a "GS" exam. Now, what is this GS exam, let me explain it clearly. GS stands for general studies. In fact for the last two years I had been having one GS class a week and every time I thought and so did my classmates that this meant that we studied whatever subject we wanted. Naturally, we translated the meaning of "General" to be really general!
Many times certain teachers took this class as an extra class In order to finish the portion. There was also a rumor that this class was "belonging" to principal sir!!
Anyways, after almost one year and eight months of plain Illusion In the name of GS one day there was the final revelation.

GS turned out to be a real full-scale subject. It Includes subjects like pollution, human rights, India’s freedom struggle, constitution and everything about contemporary India. Basically a couple of blokes wanted to make social studies universal in nature and stumbled upon the Idea of a GS subject, I tell you.
For the last twelve years In KVK I had never ever written this GS exam nor had I seen its grades appear in my report card. But now I think because of the new principal every student has to write this exam. Grades will be given that would reflect not only in the other class students' report cards but also on our CBSE mark sheet!! Bad, very bad; jumping around with some GS stuff is something but using it on our CBSE mark sheet?

Anyways, so we were told that day the topics that were to be covered in our examination. I was pretty tense 'cos any employer wouldn't be too happy, ESP. In journalism if he sees a D2 grade on the CBSE mark sheet. So on the morning of the exam-day I flipped through the pages of my old 10th class social studies textbook.
(Incidentally, its title is also "Contemporary India"!!).
I read whatever was matching with the list of topics.
Finally came the moment of writing the test. As I saw the paper, I almost laughed. This contained most of general knowledge questions like "what is noise pollution" and "discuss the jallianwallah bagh massacre".
Of course there were some bombshells like "what is meant by Indian ness" and "write the preamble of India".

OK, so I got through the paper and am expecting a pretty good grade (better than D2, at least) but what I would like to point out is the Irresponsible behavior shown by the school.
If this is a really serious subject and if that bloody grade is gonna appear in some mark sheet, somewhere then It Is a normal subject right? Then why did we always study organic reactions and electrochemical cells when we were supposed to know what happened in the quit-India movement? Maybe with the new principal everything will set in place, or else this is yet another way in which KV Is dishonouring its national character and its mandatory duties.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

After talking to a friend of mine, a question popped up into my mind: Why do some people have the knack of revealing secrets which are like pandorra's boxes?
There are somethings which are valid only upto a certain interval and should not be remember or dealt with after the validity!
Will such people ever correct themselves or will they go on revealing unnecessary secrets and catalyze break-ups and strained relationships...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Although I am not writing any of the engineering or medical competitives, I feel there are just too many of them.
Afterall, their objective is to clearly define the intelligence, knowledge etc. of a student, then why not have a common test and give admission according to the rank of this common exam?? ....