Friday, October 23, 2009


My tyrst with classes began, first, in my tenth standard when I joined the first and last tuition of my life. As far as I can remember, my classmates had been to this mysterious torture hole which gave more homework that school itself. I remember in my third standard or so, classmates leaving school hurriedly to gobble up lunch and reach their 'tooshan's.

When i joined my tuition it was more out of need for discipline than anything else and God knows i learnt it well.

These 'classes' have always haunted people of ages three and beyond. Right from the neighbourhood aunty/uncle who is good at maths, right till those hellholes designed to push people into engineering institutes, till professional institutions meant for the graduates and beyond and training them to excel at the world-wide competitive examinations. a Lot of money has been made off people and has made common teachers into tycoons..