It's quite obvious that my previous post needs heavy updating. When I posted it, Musharraf was still the General, lawyers still protested, Choudhury was still the Chief Justice, and there was no bloodless end in sight (there still isn't, actually)
Well, Musharraf shed his army camos for good and got into the seemingly humble suit-and-tie of a civilian president, while the world hushed and gaped at this previously unpredicted event. But, well, after the ceremonies were over and newspapers found different headlines, a thought started lingering in my mind.
Is there ANY difference at all between now, and then?
-Musharraf is not the Chief-of-Staff anymore, but he's now the legally elected Supreme Commander
-The new general (whose name i cant remember now), has been "hand-picked" by Musharraf
-Emergency has been lifted, prime ministerial elections scheduled, and almost every other short-term problem solved.
more after more research :)