Friday, May 19, 2006


The last few days witnessed an interesting set of uproars from the various christian
"religious communities" regarding the release of the movie The Da Vinci Code, based on the
book by Dan Brown. Their arguments were simple and straightforward: don't release the
movie. Now why did they rise suddenly against the movie while letting the original book
(and its bestseller edition) throng book-shops all over the country, is a mystery in
itself.But okay, let us forget that controversial point and keep in mind that they didn't want the
movie released.
Why?They say, it attacks the Basic christian faiths.I have read the book, and it does NOT attack any basic christian faiths. In fact, the book
is not even based on that. All it does is tell you a story about Robert Langdon and Sophie
in their quest for something (sorry, no spoilers here!). OK, so there are comments on Jesus christ.Hardcore christians might have found hard to read undesired (and unknown?) things about

the person they have their deepest faith in, but is the book really blaming Christ? Maybe
they book blames those who changed the story of Jesus Christ?
Anyways, thats not our topic so let us not waste time over it; just think over it later.
The thing is, why are they trying to stop the movie. If they, for once, put on their
spectacles and squint over the few initial pages of our constitution, they will find the
"Freedom of Speech and Expression". What is the movie after all? It is only a talky version
of someone's opnion about something. In short, the protesters have no right to stop the movie from releasing.
Or are they really only trying to do that? Are they really concerned about people losing
their faith in christianity?
Since when have people become so insane that they stop the movie on a book that has been
declared a sensational bestseller across the world and has been read by over a million
readers? And especially since no such "religious coup" has occured inside christianity till
No, there is more this "protest". The moment I found the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (I&B)'s intrusion, I found a
fish in the wrong pond.
This my opinion:Some people did not like the book. So, they dont like the movie either. And these "some
people" form a large pool of voters.
Yes, i said voters.
This whole protest thing is purely a public gymic. A gymic to attract the attention of the
people. A gymic to tell the people (I mean, the voters) of India that yes, we (the
government) are doing something. A gymic to remind voters when they vote next time that
yes, when we, the people did not want some movie to come the government helped in
protesting! So what if the movie eventually did get released?So what if people saw it; anyways they had read the books. But, the Govt helped us protest!
The government was good! Let me vote for it then....**THE END** (or, the continuation of the same old trick?)....

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